mental debris from my gray matter- all- stretched out and seared...

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Big Pause

Looking at my blog, I've been having that "baker's block" that results in a pregnant pause in spewing out debris from my brain as well as my kitchen. It's not that I've run out of recipes to test but I've been slacking lately- both with the baking and the blogging part. I still collect recipes to try and I've resolved to doing my kitchen experiments during the weekend (when there is no work for me) but I'm having a difficult time to "jump start" things lately. My Black Sambo recipe inspired by my cousin, Elena, has been sitting on my desk for almost two weeks now untouched.

As I undergo the roller coaster of emotions of my daily grind, I find myself more motivated when experiencing extreme emotions: anger, depression, being happy and stressed. It seems weird because the food that comes out of the kitchen tastes a whole lot better than when I bake in a neutral mood. Are my taste buds on hyperdrive too with extremes of emotions or is it because I am more focused when in that state? I have no scientific answer to my observation but I get compliments and that would suffice for the rationale.

As I start a new journey in the middle of the year, I start this blog with my humble discoveries in the kitchen (thanks to those whose recipes I copy and those who share their recipes) with the goal of self-instrospection and growth. I am currently undergoing an interesting trial in my life that has put the other aspects of my life on hold (for the meantime), I look and create my blogs to vent, to escape, to cope and to handle whatever life thows at me. This is "my time". Maybe when I have more recipes and cooking/baking experience under my sleeve can I say this is my "zen". Until then, I continue to discover new recipes, reminisce memories and get to know myself better.

To my Superman who believes in my non-existent culinary ability and my strength to overcome the fight, I thank you for all the support. I'm no Wonder Woman in real life but I do feel like one when I'm with you.